Hélène et Thomas Chassaing fr / en

France - Street Protests Against Macron, Before the Yellow Vests


Here are some pictures that we had completely forgotten about.

It was while browsing through several hard drives in the spring of 2022 to try to free up some space that we came across these images scanned in very low definition. After putting them together in a single file, we quickly realised that they constituted an interesting corpus of images and that, if we gave it a title such as: "Street Protests Against Macron Before the Yellow Vests", the subject worked. It even provided a more detailed extension of the work that we had done under Hollande concerning the Labour Law, also known as the El Khomri Law (see the report "We will not capitulate").

Often, we take care to caption the photos precisely, but here we chose to present them to you without any additional information except the date and the place. To tell the truth, at the time of the shooting we were in a thick fog and our minds retain very little of this painful period. It followed the Sivens story which had depressed us quite a bit. And at the same time our "Tour de France" by bike was suspended due to some very persistent physical health problems. At that time, we often wondered if we were going to give up photography. It was probably for these reasons that we no longer had a clear recollection of all these events.