Hélène et Thomas Chassaing fr / en

Manioc and Yams


« Yam is the second most cultivated tropical root after cassava and is a staple food in many parts of Africa, Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. 70 percent of the 50 million tonnes produced worldwide come from Nigeria (FAOSTAT). This mealy tuber, with a rough brown skin, is produced by an herbaceous vine that takes 8 to 11 months to mature after planting. The yam is grown mainly for direct human consumption and is sold as a fresh product in all producing regions. Tubers can be stored for up to 6 months without refrigeration.

Cassava is an edible root that is an important source of carbohydrates for an estimated 500 million people in Africa, Asia and the Americas. World production amounted to 230 million tonnes in 2008, with Nigeria being the largest producer, followed by Brazil, Thailand and Indonesia (FAOSTAT). Key post-harvest aspects include the rapid deterioration of the roots two to three days after harvest, as well as the presence of cyanide, which needs to be detoxified during processing to make the root edible. »

On the internet we read an analysis by Bio Goura Soulé published in 2011 in the magazine Grain de sel which we found interesting with the title "West Africa's food security does not necessarily depend on cereals" and the heading :