Hélène et Thomas Chassaing fr / en

Chile - Fences, Watchtowers, etc. / Agriculture


Since our beginnings in photography we have largely focused our work on the agricultural theme. This is how we have been able to document more or less easily: intensive agriculture for example in Spain or in the USA by focusing on the living conditions and the work of the farm workers, food agriculture in West Africa, life and work in a dairy farm during a year in France etc. (see the various reports on the website) and we naively thought we would do the same in Chile.

But this time the task was more complicated, as you will see by watching this short series. The explanation we were frequently given was theft. Theft of crops and theft of equipment.

The few pictures of agricultural work that we did get on our way to Brazil are gathered in the main topic of Chile: "Chile after the COP".

In the press for some time now we see that this has also become a subject of concern in France: "Farmers are worried about the increasing number of thefts of which they are victims. They are faced with thefts of sheep, fruit, vegetables, but also high-tech equipment for tractors. " (1)

"To delay them, start with a locked gate, a good padlock or a chain at the entrance to your farm. Although this may seem trivial, it is the first obstacle that a bad person will encounter, and sometimes it is enough. In the case of a shed, apply the same advice. " (2)